United Friends School (UFS), established in 1983, is a joyful independent school community that serves children in Preschool through Eighth grade. We are guided by the Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Peace & Social Justice, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship & Care for the Earth. Our mission informs curriculum planning, decision-making, and the commitment to community service and peaceful conflict resolution. UFS wholeheartedly promotes inclusion & equity, inspiring students to social action throughout the year. Our entire school community participates in both Ally Week & the Black Lives Matter Week of Action
Rooted in the Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Peace & Social Justice, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Care for the Earth, United Friends School educates students to meet the rest of their lives with courage and conviction by engaging them in critical inquiry, solution-seeking, and participation in social action. United Friends School nurtures the intellectual, spiritual, and emotional growth of students and guides them to see the Light in themselves and in others.
Our Quaker focus on the spirit of God in each person is the foundation upon which we build a school community. Our community of students, staff, parents, grandparents and trustees provides a special opportunity for all to learn, to teach, to serve, and accept others. Subjects are integrated throughout a developmentally appropriate curriculum to allow students to make connections among project-based, interdisciplinary learning experiences.