Quaker Meeting
Meeting for Worship
Although there are many ways in which United Friends School practices its Quakerism, Meeting for Worship is at the center. Our weekly Meeting for Worship is held every Wednesday afternoon. Due to the wide range of our students’ age and diversity of religious and spiritual practices, we begin each Meeting For Worship with a query presented by a faculty, staff member, or student. Typically, a query is presented after someone tells a story, reads a book or poem, or shares an observation or a lesson is shared. We invite children to respond when they are led to speak, sometimes delivering profound messages. Meeting ends with singing. All parents and caregivers are welcome to join us at Meeting for Worship.
Meeting for Announcements
Monday morning’s Meeting for Announcements gives students and faculty time to meet, share news, and have a brief period of silent worship to get the week off to a good start. This is a warm community time during which children and faculty feel comfortable to share their joys, accomplishments, fears, and upcoming events. Children and adults also raise community issues like fairness and kindness during these Meetings. As with Meeting For, Worship, students learn to value their own and each others voices.